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For effective customer experience management, rethink WCM

Both Tim Walters and Scott Liewehr were interviewed by TechTarget’s Jonathan Gourlay for an article on entitled, “For effective customer experience management, rethink WCM“.

In the interview, the pair pointed out that,

the key to a well-planned Web content management deployment for a rich customer experience and engagement is to stop thinking of it as a [standalone] Web content management deployment. It [requires] an organizational shift and very few have accomplished the shift.

Tim also noted that,

from a mobility perspective, effective CEM strategy doesn’t simply worry about getting content on any device, but it can share content on any device in multiple ways. A comprehensive strategy reaches across all touch points, including social networks as well as call centers, seamlessly. Don’t think multichannel, but think in terms of de-channeling.

Tim’s mentions of mobility and de-channeled experiences are a prelude to a DCG Insight paper that will be released later this month.


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