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Icarus Painting

Pushing the Creep Factor with Customer Data

In the rapidly expanding world of big data, there are still many unknown boundaries. Two weeks ago we unpacked new information on shifting regulations regarding personal data and privacy, global marketers must understand. Today I’d like to share some thoughts (and data) about pushing our luck with ‘the creep factor’ when it comes to the… read more >

Hand heart

Dating and love and CEM

Remember dating in high school? All the cliques; the cool kids, band geeks, jocks, punks, gamers, stoners, artsies, metal heads, etc.  If you were part of one clique or in the fringe, it was difficult if not impossible to get to know, let alone date, someone in another clique. Dating at university, while not as… read more >

Customer Data: Asset or Liability?

Is Your Customer’s Personal Data an Asset or a Liability?

This month the House and Senate drove two more nails into the coffin containing what remains of personal data protection for citizens of the United States. Senate Joint Resolution 34 struck down rules stipulating an Internet Service Provider (ISP) must obtain opt-in permission to use and sell consumer’s private data including browsing history, health, and… read more >


Digital Transformation: It’s even coming for our groceries

Last week at the GDS eCommerce Insight Executive Summit at the Château Élan in Atlanta, I spoke about eCommerce’s ongoing and pivotal role in digital transformation during my presentation. The audience was packed with executives from easily recognized, Fortune 500 brands in retail and finance who were there specifically looking for solutions and strategies to… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

The Next Wave of Ecommerce Platforms: Tackling the Omnichannel Challenge

In the last ten to fifteen years, there have been two primary ways in which ecommerce platform vendors have segmented their target customers and differentiated from each other: Customer size: small (mom and pop shops selling under $10 million), mid-market (anywhere from $10 million to $500 million in revenue), or enterprise (usually $1 billion and above). Customer business… read more >


Privacy Shield and GDPR: Sorting Out the Business Obligations

The global transfer of data between entities and across national borders is increasingly at the heart of digital business. Today’s Wall Street Journal article (access may require a subscription) explores the troubled status of transfers between the EU and the USA – the second and third largest economies by GDP, respectively. (China was first in 2015,… read more >

MAILMASTER __Subject: Emailing: dreamstime On 2014-05-01, at 3:13 PM, Stocks, Kathryn wrote: Dreamstime surveillance image for Opinion, May 2, 2014.  dreamstime_l_25233703.jpg

Does Amazon Go + GDPR = Amazon No-Go?

Yesterday, my colleague and commerce guru Jill Finger Gibson did a great job explaining Amazon Go, the retail behemoth’s experiment with what might be called “1-Step” grocery shopping: Walk into the store, grab what you want, and walk out. Amazon’s surveillance technologies (cameras, microphones, device identifiers, facial recognition, etc.) will (supposedly) take care of accurately… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Amazon Go: Implications For Retail and CPG Companies

Last week, Amazon announced the opening of its new grocery store in its Seattle hometown. Called Amazon Go, it looks (at least in pictures) a lot like a pleasant urban grocery store, with shelves of everyday items like bread and fruit as well as pre-made meals. So what makes this “concept store” different? True to its experimentation… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Content and Commerce Integration: Welcome To The Machine

At Digital Clarity Group we’ve been closely tracking developments in content and commerce, and there are signs that these two formerly separate worlds are connecting in multiple ways: WCM software vendors are expanding into e-commerce products and solutions (e.g. Sitecore Commerce and Episerver Digital Commerce) WCM and e-commerce vendors are forging strategic alliances (e.g.  Magento and Acquia) Digital… read more >


Data: Removing the barriers to get the bigger picture

Doing something over and over again and expecting a different result is EITHER practice or insanity.  The difference is simply in how long you’re willing to wait until things start to change. Similarly, treating all customers the same and simply doing the same things over in the new channels, is equally as unproductive. To successfully meet… read more >

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