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Step-by-step is the best approach to a successful technology selection

Like so many things in life, taking the time to plan “it” out – whatever “it” is – almost always leads to a more successful outcome. In the case of a technology and implementation partner selections, it is an absolute that the selected partner(s) will be a better fit if the decision is made in… read more >

Mapping the Service Provider Landscape

Navigating the service provider landscape for customer experience success

As customer expectations for superb and even unparalleled customer experience intensify, companies of all sizes, industries and locations are feeling the pressure to transform their businesses in ways that, even two years ago, weren’t urgent or on the radar screen. Now, as organizations are realizing the criticality of customer experience management (CEM), they are starting to… read more >


Intelligent Search and the Lesson of Pokemon GO

In recent months I’ve noticed that in vendor briefings and conference presentations, search, and more specifically intelligent search, have come up as opportunities for improving customer experiences. Intelligent search, whereby a search engine tracks a user’s search behavior and adapts its algorithm to their habits, is one way to reduce the time and effort an online… read more >

Slack bots directory

Why Bots Should Matter To Customer Experience Professionals

Bots may already be old news for you if you are an investor or tech professional in Silicon Valley, where from what I hear they have already been a hot topic for at least the last year. The numbers bear this out: according to CB Insights, artificial intelligence start-ups (of which bots are a portion) raised… read more >


Will the GDPR Be the Californication of Data Governance?

Business practices around personal data have already resulted in helmification. Will they now lead to Californication? Let me explain. Helmification is the regulation of a practice by governmental authorities, usually after the practitioners have proven incapable or unwilling to take care of issues themselves. Example: Motorcycle helmet laws — and the EU’s General Data Protection… read more >

Source: comScore

Why the Mobile e-Commerce Market Should Be Larger By Now

While the mobile e-commerce market is definitely on the rise in the U.S., it should be much larger by now. Compared to other developed countries with smaller e-commerce markets, as well as to desktop e-commerce at home, the U.S. is lagging. eMarketer estimates that in 2015, mobile e-commerce sales as a proportion of total e-commerce were as high… read more >


Who Owns the Customer’s Experience? It’s Complicated

In a recent blog post, Doc Searls commented on an article about the ownership of customer experiences. Who Owns the Mobile Experience? is a report by Unlockd on mobile advertising in the U.K. To clarify the way toward an answer, the report adds, “mobile operators or advertisers?” The correct answer is neither. Nobody’s experience is “owned” by somebody… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Successful Technology Implementation Requires Buyer Preparation

What are the ingredients for a successful technology implementation for customer experience management? Obviously, selecting the right technology is important. And yet, with all the high-quality technology choices available, an astonishingly high number of technology implementations fall short of success. The Standish Group, a research firm that tracks the state of the software development industry, found in a survey of 50,000 IT… read more >

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Stakeholders bring wisdom of the crowds

Whether it is a major platform selection and implementation or simply a refresh of an existing design or user interface, garnering the input, buy-in, and/or support of affected teams and individuals in your organization – your project’s stakeholders – is essential to your success. “Groups are only smart when there is a balance between the… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Latest Stats Show Mixed Picture For Retail E-Commerce in U.S.

The latest quarterly statistics on the retail sector, including retail e-commerce, were released from the U.S. Department of Commerce earlier this week. Once you are able to digest the dense government language and poorly-formatted charts and tables, you can see that the overall picture is positive, with growth pointing in all the right directions. Yet the data also… read more >

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