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Is it time to reset your customer experience strategy?

Tim Walters told me that some organizations realize they need to step back and rethink their strategy, and then there are others that may not realize it, but should. There are two key indicators something isn’t right about CEM:

Organizations are approaching CEM wrong. Yes, we’ve been doing CEM for what feels like forever (at least, Walters said, since the arrival of the smartphone). Yes, C-level executives do say their companies are now or will soon compete on the basis of customer experience, and most are aware of the need to make the customer experience a priority. But there is this big struggle to close the gap between the vision of CEM and what many are trying to achieve.

DCG defines CEM as follows: “A business discipline encompassing the strategies, processes, skills, technologies, and commitments that aim to ensure positive and competitively outstanding customer experiences.”

Read full article on The Diginomica


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