J. Boye Aarhus 2015
When: November 3-5, 2015.
Where: Aarhus, Denmark.
Keynote: The total impossibility of customer experience management
Wednesday, November 4. 9:15-10:00am.
Speaker: Tim Walters, Digital Clarity Group.
Today, we’re told, customer experience management (CEM) is an inescapable imperative, the primary determinant of organizational success or failure, and the sole means of sustainable competitive advantage. The experience, moreover, concerns the entire customer lifecycle, from the first inkling of a desire until (hopefully) ongoing loyalty. And since “you’re only as good as your last interaction,” no exchange can be neglected, no matter how trivial.
There’s only one minor problem: Based on how it is normally defined and described, customer experience management is impossible. Because it is impossible, many if not most of the current efforts to achieve it are futile and, worse, dangerous and wasteful distractions. In this presentation we’ll look at why it’s crucial to understand what CEM is and is not (and cannot be); where the imperative for CEM comes from, why this can and should inform your CEM strategy, and how your early, relatively simple steps can already be a huge advance in the journey to CEM excellence.
Web Design Trends 2016
Thursday, November 5. 16:15-17:00.
Speaker: Marianne Kay, Digital Clarity Group.
Looking your best is about making an extra effort, adding a personal touch, creating a subtle detail that is fresh, stylish and fits naturally with who you are. It reflects your state of mind, frames your self-esteem and shows people around you that you care. It creates powerful and lasting first impressions, before you even look the other person in the eye.
Making a great first impression online is just as important. Website visitors will decide whether they like what they see within the first 50 milliseconds. And one in five will leave a website after 5 seconds, not giving you a second chance.
In this session we will talk about web design trends that are set to dominate in 2016. We will see how these trends can be broken down into specific and discrete tasks, and how small evolutionary changes can make a big difference.
We will cover:
– Neat, de-cluttered homepage.
– Irresistible images.
– The new perspective: drones and action cameras.
– Text over images in responsive designs.
– Video backgrounds.
– Subtle animations.
– Ghost buttons.
– Sticky navigation.
– The increasing influence of mobile first approach.
– Fairness, ethical values, community, environment.
Look your best – it’s worth it!