Process and Information Are the Engine and Fuel Driving Today’s Digital Business
Business process automation and information management technologies are two different markets and disciplines addressing two very different kinds of problems. Yet, after being on the scene for more than 2-3 decades, process technologies and information technologies are still inextricably linked. Why? The symbiotic nature of the two markets is best understood by this metaphor: content (or information) is the fuel for today’s business while process automation is the engine. Neither technology can deliver its full business value without the other, because businesses need both types to support internal operations and customer engagement. Understanding this linkage between the two broad technology categories is important when embarking on process projects or information/content projects. Also, it’s important for business process practitioners to understand the different types of process automation technologies available today and how these tools can be combined with information. For more insight, see the recent brief by Connie Moore entitled, Process and Information Are the Engine and Fuel Driving Today’s Digital Business.