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DCG research and articles about: home depot

Digital Clarity Group

Chris Walker and Robert Rose debate: What exactly is a great customer experience?

Before industry analysts present their latest research to the public, they often chew over potential topics amongst themselves. And if they are located in different countries, that dialogue tends to take place over email. We thought we’d try an experiment and “liberate” one of those dialogues on this blog. A few weeks ago two Digital… read more >


Putting the “management” into CEM

In 1925, as his psychoanalytic methods began to find wider reception after decades of neglect, Sigmund Freud wrote, “Finally, I am no longer alone.” A similar sense of relief (if not vindication) must be felt by many web content management professionals today. Finally, those of us (whether analysts, consultants, vendors, or practitioners) who have long… read more >

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